Lunch & Learn
Mino-ayaawigaming hosts a series of Lunch and Learns throughout the school year. Come get a free healthy lunch and listen to a variety of guest speakers. Topics range from: student-led presentations, chemical dependency, elders teaching about traditional tobacco uses, healthy relationships, AIDS/HIV rapid testing, tobacco facts bingo, financial aid, academic advising, and indigenous foods.

Traditional Tobacco Education
Mino-ayaawigaming is committed to promoting and focusing on the traditional Anishinaabeg use of Asemaa on campus. Mino-ayaawigaming has sponsored elder speakers to come on campus and talk about the respect and care that is to be given to aseema. We have also offered fun events such as tobacco facts bingo, we are running ads on KOJB 90.1 The Eagle, we are also planning a traditional garden. In addition we are a sponsor of the Anwebiwin Niimi’iding (Spring Pow-Wow), and are running an exciting Quit and Win challenge.

Talking Circles
Mino-ayaawigaming sponsors a weekly Talking Circle led by Leech Lake elder Nancy Kingbird. Students and Community members are encouraged to come share a meal and then talk in a safe, confident environment about school, parenting, grief, addictions, or anything you need guidance on.

Parent Study Group
Mino-ayaawigaming hosts Parent Study Group night. LLTC students are encouraged to bring their children and structured child care is provided lead by LLTC Early Child Hood students. A free meal is provided and students can go and study on campus. Get your studies done while getting to know the other parents on campus.

Parenting Classes
Mino-ayaawigaming presents Toddler Time parenting classes: Do you have a toddler? Come to a fun and supportive parenting class that will assist you in answering those tough questions, help you keep your cool, and enjoy life. The class focuses on the needs and development of toddlers.

Snow Shoeing
Mino-ayaawigaming sponsors Snow Shoeing on Thursdays November thru March. Come at noon and learn to snow shoe around the LLTC campus with Annette Drews. Snow Shoes are provided.