Student Senate

The Student Senate is the central organization for the student body. It is the advocate for the interests of the student body as a whole to the Leech Lake Tribal College administration and faculty, and promotes student participation in the governance system.

The Student Senate is composed of four to seven student representatives from the student body. LLTC student members, through annual elections, will select students to serve on the Student Senate. It is the responsibility of the Student Senate to conduct business according to its approved by-laws. The Student Senate’s responsibilities are:

LLTC Student Senate & Royalty
  • To engage in and/or coordinate activities necessary for the purpose of advocating and supporting endeavors by the Student Members or by LLTC, providing that such endeavors focus on promoting quality in American Indian Higher Education.

  • To conduct regular and special business meetings of the Student Senate as may be deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose and responsibilities of the organization.
  • To inform constituents of the Student Senate of all pertinent business actions and organizational activities of the Student Senate.
  • To communicate student concerns to Administration.
  • To develop a yearly budget and allocate student fees. Student Senate officers consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. LLTC may select or appoint additional officers or assistant officers as deemed necessary and appropriate. Membership in this organization is open to any student at LLTC. Students are encouraged to meet the Student Senate’s weekly meetings, as voting privileges are granted to all students. This organization does not discriminate on the basis of disability, ethnicity, race, religion, creed, or sexual orientation. Each year, Student Senate will be assigned two-three faculty/staff advisors, appointed by the LLTC administration.

Rocketry Club

The Rocketry Club at Leech Lake Tribal College has accomplished many feats at the Annual First Nations Launch. Kelly Nipp has been the Faculty Advisor and assists students in the design and preparation of all rockets.

Kelly Nipp - Faculty

Kelly Nipp
Math Instructor
(218) 335-4231

Rocket Club Faculty Advisor

Rocketry Club

AISIS – American Indian Science & Engineering Society

The mission of the LLTC AISES chapter is to weave together the language and the culture of the Anishinaabe people with science and mathematics to create a scientific or technological professional grounded in the values and traditions of their indigenous ancestors.

Neah Goodwin
Math Instructor
(218) 335-4227

AISES Faculty Advisor

AISIS – American Indian Higher Education Consortium

AIHEC is the collective spirit and unifying voice of our nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). AIHEC provides leadership and influences public policy on American Indian higher education issues through advocacy, research, and program initiatives; promotes and strengthens Native American languages, cultures, communities and tribal nations; and through its unique position, serves member institutions and emerging TCUs.

Elaine Fleming - Faculty

Elaine Fleming
Arts & Humanities Instructor
(218) 335-4259

AIHEC Faculty Advisor