
Leech Lake Tax Commission donates $5,000 to the Clem Nason Memorial Scholarship Fund


Everyone at LLTC would like to say Miigwech to the  Leech Lake Tax Commission for the donation of $5,000 to the “Clem Nason Memorial Scholarship Fund” carpentry program. The Leech Lake Tribal College offers certificates, diplomas, and degrees programs. This fund will have great impact on the students to afford costs associated with the program. The Leech Lake Tax Commission is always looking to find ways to positively impact the community and it was only logical to contribute to the future of Leech Lake through LLTC’s carpentry program. If you wish to donate to the College scholarship funds, please contact [...]

Leech Lake Tax Commission donates $5,000 to the Clem Nason Memorial Scholarship Fund2019-08-28T19:03:46-05:00

LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper & the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)


LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper will help draft proposed regulations in parts of the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA). LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper and Emmy Winner The U.S. Department of Education named committee members who will draft proposed regulations in parts of the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) that replaced the outdated No Child Left Behind Act. The committee consists of many constituencies ranging from state administrators to teachers from throughout the United States. Leslie Harper was nominated by the National Coalition of Native Language Schools to serve as a participating alternate committee member.  The Negotiated Rulemaking Committee is convened to [...]

LLTC Alumni Leslie Harper & the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)2019-08-28T19:14:39-05:00

Solar-Panel Installation Internship for LLTC Students


Press Release:  September 1, 2016 Hands-on solar installation paid internship opportunity for current  Leech Lake Tribal College’s Integrated Residential Builder students! Work with RREAL to install 200kW of solar on the Leech Lake Reservation, and obtain your needed registration to facilitate future work in the industry. Prepare your resume, be ready for an interview, and connect with Rochell Carpenter for more information by September 23rd! And for more details: On an individual level, low-income households spend on average 15% – 20% of their income on energy-related expenses. This puts a strain on already tight budgets and makes families significantly more [...]

Solar-Panel Installation Internship for LLTC Students2019-08-28T19:18:14-05:00

Leech Lake Tribal College

  • 6945 Little Wolf Road NW
    Cass Lake, MN 56633

  • (218) 335-4200
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