Indigenous Science Information Technology – A.A.

The Information Technology (IT) program is designed for students to receive an Associates of Arts Degree in Indigenous Science with an emphasis in Information Technology.  The Information Technology track offers knowledge and experience in computer systems, programming, data management, computer forensics, and much more through classroom and co-curricular opportunities. Information Technology graduates will be qualified for entry-level positions and will have a solid base to pursue a 4-yr degree in computer science or Information Technology.

60-63 Credits

Core Requirements (15 Credits):

LLTC Core Requirements – 15 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
ANI 100Introduction to Anishinaabe Studies3FA/SP
EDU 102Miikana (FYE)2FA/SP
ENGL 101English Composition I3FA/SP
ITECH 100Computer Applications I3FA/SP
OJI 101Speaking Ojibwe I4FA/SP
Category 1: Communications – 3 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
ENGL 102English Composition II3ENGL 101FA/SP
or SPCH 201Speech and Communications3ENGL 101FA/SP
ESS Program Requirements – 21 CreditsCr.Pre-ReqTerm
BIO 121General Biology I & Lab4Fall
BIO 122General Biology II & Lab4BIO 121Spring
BIO 204Environmental Science3
CHEM 100Foundations in Chemistry4Fall
or CHEM 111General Chemistry4CHEM 100
ENGL 200Literature and the Environment3ENGL 101
or ENGL 250Contemporary American Indian Literature3MATH 150FA/SP
MATH 155Advanced College Algebra or Higher3MATH 150FA/SP
ESS Electives – 12 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
BIO 140Ecology3
or BIO 200Ethnobiology3
ESS 220Introduction to Atmospheric Science3MATH 150
ESS 240Watershed Research Methods and the Leech Lake Area4ESS 220 or IP
FOR 210Freshwater Studies4BIO 140
GEOL 110Physical Geology and Earth Systems4
GEOL 210Soil and Sediments and the Leech Lake Area3GEOL 110
General Education Electives 1 – 6 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
HIS 101U.S. and Indigenous American History, 1830-Present3
or HIS 150History of Leech Lake3FA/SP
or POLSC 225Treaty Law and Tribal Sovereignty3Spring
or PSY 100General Psychology3FA/SP
or ANI 200Indigenous American Leadership3Spring
or SOC 200Indigenous American Women3Spring
or PHIL 200Indigenous American Philosophy3Fall
or SOC 101Introduction to Sociology3
General Education Electives 2 – 3 CreditsClassCr.Pre-ReqTerm
ART XXXArt Course, See course descriptions for options3-6FA/SP
or MUS 250History of Anishinaabe Music and Dance3Fall
Total=59-66 CreditsFall