Business Management A.A.S.

The program is designed for students to receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Business Management upon completion of the requirements. The Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Management provides the opportunity for students to study more in-depth in one subject area such as Business Management. Students who choose this option are not primarily interested in transferring into a four-year degree program, but in entering the job market immediately upon completion of the A.A.S. degree. However, some of the business and accounting courses will transfer into a four-year degree program.

60 Credits
Business Management 2023-2025 Program of Study

General Education Courses: 28 creditsCr.Pre-ReqTermCK
ANI 100Introduction to Anishinaabe Studies3FA/SP
EDU 102Miikana (FYE)3FA/SP
ENGL 101English Composition I3FA/SP
ITECH 100Computer Applications I3FA/SP
MATH 140Concepts in Mathematics or Higher4/3MATH 094FA/SP
OJI 101Speaking Ojibwe I4FA/SP
POLSC 225Treaty Law and Tribal Sovereignty3Spring
SPCH 100Speech and Communications3ENGL 101FA/SP
TA 210Tribal Administration3BUS 100Interm.
Natural Science: 4 creditsCr.Pre-ReqTermCK
BIO 121General Biology I & Lab4FA/SP
FOR 110Woodland Plants4Fall
*GEOL 110Physical Geology and Earth Systems4FA/SP
Business Management Program Requirements: 25 creditsCr.Pre-ReqTermCK
ACCT 110Real Life Financial Information3Spring
ACCT 150Financial Accounting4MATH 140 or IPSpring
BUS 100Introduction to Business3FA/SP
BUS 160Human Resource Management3Spring
BUS 201Principles of Marketing3BUS 100Spring
BUS 230Management/Leadership3BUS 100Fall
BUS 250Business Law3BUS 100Spring
BUS 260Business Communications3BUS 100Fall
Business Management Electives: 3 creditsCr.Pre-ReqTermCK
ACCT 120Payroll Accounting3Interm.
BUS 270Entrepreneurship3BUS 100Spring
BUS 297Business Internship3BUS 100Interm.
BUS 299Special Topics in Business3BUS 100 & IPInterm.
ITECH 150Computer Applications II3ITECH 100FA/SP
Total=60 Credits

* Course completes more than one category requirement, but credits may only be counted once.
Please note that some of the pre-req’s may be completed based on competency.