
It is my honor to welcome you to Leech Lake Tribal College. Our mission is to provide a quality higher education grounded in Anishinaabe values. And that means not just a world-class education fully accredited and accepted everywhere, but also an educational/cultural foundation steeped in the values as articulated in the Seven Grandfather Teachings: Honesty, Truth, Humility, Love, Wisdom, Courage, and Respect.

Our story lies not just in the teachings that we impart to our youth (and not so young), but in their stories as well. We are a family at Leech Lake Tribal College, and like all families, we grow as we learn from and share with each other. Each and every person who has walked through our doors has contributed something to the dream and purpose that Leech Lake Tribal College represents. We honor those who have stepped in and helped personify the vision of our founder (and first President), Mr. Larry Aitkin. Every day, the students, faculty, staff, and administration engage in fulfilling dialogue and cultivate the deep personal relationships that so embody the Tribal College vision, as they learn the Anishinaabe ways of ‘knowing and being’ that are so wonderfully articulated in the Seven Grandfather Teachings.

Leech Lake Tribal College is an embodiment of the rebuilding of our nations and establishing self-determination that are the keystone to tribal sovereignty.  Providing leadership for such an outstanding group of faculty, staff and students is a privilege that I am grateful to be a part of.

Please, take a look through our website and see the wealth of knowledge and experiences that Leech Lake Tribal College offers. Or, better yet, stop by and visit to soak in the atmosphere of a truly unique and awesome educational experience. Or, best of all, join our community of learners and teachers to become part of the vision that is Leech Lake Tribal College.


Helen Zaikina-Montgomery, Ph.D.
President, Leech Lake Tribal College

Admin Team