Today, we honored Leech Lake Tribal College’s founder and first president Bezhigoogahbow “The one who stands alone” Larry P. Aitken. The event’s attendees represented a who’s who and was comprised of many trail blazers for Indian Education in Minnesota and Nationwide. Key speakers included Dr. Will Antell, Dr. Monnette, Leroy Staples Fairbanks III, LLTC President Dr. Ginny Carney, LLTC Board of Trustee Chair Vickie Howard, and MN District 5A Rep John Persell. The speakers shared wonderful stories about Larry Aitken, the hard work that was done to turn a dream into reality by starting a Tribal College here on the Leech Lake Nation. As Larry Aitken says “This is a dream university! We live in a phenomenal time.. A time when we can learn on our own land, from our own people, and on our own terms!” Our campus community is buzzing this year with the return of Larry Aitken to Leech Lake Tribal College. He will be teaching a few courses this Fall and Spring semesters. On behalf of everyone here at LLTC, our students, our staff and faculty, our alumni, and our nation we’d like to say Miigwech!